About Us
Inspection Request
Contact Information
Careers at Avalon
Deep Foundations
Helical Piles and Helical Tiebacks
For Enginners:
Typical Helical Specifications
Drilled Piers
Liquefaction Solved
Horizontal Cracks
Foundation Replacement
Resistive Piers
Underpinning Done Right
Mega Foundations
with Helical Piles
Solar Panel Arrays
with Ground Screws
Pipeline Anchors
Bridge Abutments
Post-tensioned Concrete
More Commercial Projects
Retaining Wall Basics
Retaining Wall Fortification
Solving Limited Access
Using EPS Blocks
Using W-beams
Excavation & Drilling
Road Washout Repair
Road Fortification
Hillside Stabilization
Challenging Hillside
Additions & Patios
Landslide Repair
Impact Walls
Avalon Supports
the Famous Rockettes
(1) Limited Foundation
Starting at $325+
(2) Full Foundation
Starting at $700+
(3) Free Competitive Bid
From a Detailed Competitor's Proposal
(4) Free Proposal
for Engineered Plans
Avalon performs foundation inspections for residential and commercial properties. Please email us directly at inspections@avalonstructural.com or call our office at (831) 479-4389 and we will respond shortly. Please include as much information as you can including which type of inspection you wish us to perform:

(1) Limited Foundation Inspection - Starting at $325+
This inspection is limited to the crawl space. You will be provided with a summary of our findings and an itemized proposal to perform the repairs. Note: we do not provide this service to structures built before 1953. This is due to the building techniques employed at that time - especially the lack of reinforcing bar in concrete. Homes built before 1953 require a Full Foundation Inspection.

(2) Full Foundation Inspection - Starting at $700+
Our full foundation inspection includes an inspection of the crawl space, a check for settlement and a study of the site drainage. You will be provided with a comprehensive report and an itemized proposal to perform the repairs.

(3) Free Competitive Bid - No Charge
If you send our office a competitor's detailed proposal, we can provide free competitive bids. Important: You must share with us all relevant documents including the scope of work provided by the competitor. This will allow us to provide an accurate competitive bid. Use your discretion in blanking out price numbers.

(4) Free Proposal for Engineered Plans
If you send our office completed, stamped engineered plans we can provide a free proposal. Important: You must share with us all relevant documents. This will allow us to provide an accurate proposal.

Please include your relationship to the property:
   (a) Homeowner
   (b) Real Estate Agent - Representing the Buyer
   (c) Real Estate Agent - Representing the Seller
   (d) General Contractor
   (e) Property Manager
   (f) Other

Please include your general informaion:
   Your Name
   Your Email Adress
   Your Phone Number
   Property Address
   Lockbox or Gate Code (if applicable)

Please include your specific informaion relevant to the inspection:
   Please briefly describe the known foundation issues.
   Are you under any time deadlines?
   What days of the week work better for you?
   Do morning or afternoon inspections work better for you?

IMPORTANT: Please include with us all relevant information or documents such as competitive bids or property inspection reports. This will speed up the process and help us to focus on problem areas. Please either:
   (1) email the documents to directly to inspections@avalonstructural.com or
   (2) include a filesharing link (e.g. Dropbox.com) in your email

Thank you for your interest and sending an email to inspections@avalonstructural.com and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also reach out to our team at our general office number (831) 479-4389 and we will respond shortly. Thank you!
Avalon Structural, Inc.
181 Ridgeview Drive
Aptos, CA 95003
(831) 479-4389 (office)
Copyright © 2015
Avalon Structural, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
CA License 677116
Classifications:  B, C-8
Avalon is a general building
contracting firm and
does not employ engineers.